Sharon Bonner Consulting Located in Vancouver, BC & Serving Western Canada 604-303-7707

What’s New - The latest special event production news from Bright Ideas Event Agency.

Bright Ideas Events Agency (BIEA) is THRILLED to announce that we have won the award in the BUSINESS EXCELLENCE AWARDS for the best Innovative Enterprise of 2021.

Richmond Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards – Rob Newell photo.

When the pandemic hit early 2020, BIEA gathered resources and introduced many innovations in 2020/2021 to better run the event business. To be recognized for their initiatives and resilience to forge onwards during a pandemic means the world to BIEA. Thank you to the esteemed panel of judges at the Richmond Chamber of Commerce, who saw value in all that BIEA has accomplished.

Below are three of our major innovations:

The Global Events Community (GEC) was formed to provide support and inspiration during the current global pandemic. Our Mission is to offer resources and information for the challenges we face as an industry. We welcome your contributions to our community as we collaborate and engage, to emerge stronger.

Donuts In The Lunchroom (DITL) In this e-book we hope to share some thoughts, insights and tools to bridge the virtual divide, to enhance engagement through these two dimensional mediums, and to make teams feel connected and valued again.  Dropping a box of donuts on the counter in the lunchroom and sending a company-wide email no longer checks those boxes. It will take some thought and effort to bring the hearts and minds together but we promise you it will be worth it.

Caring Connections Cards (CCC) – In March of 2020 when all in-person events were cancelled due to the pandemic, most of us saw our annual revenue reduced to zero. Having been in the event industry for over three decades, we knew the impact that this would have on our colleagues and the industry that we love. For us, relationships and connections are the foundation of our events.

To see all of the finalists, click on the link below!

If you would like to discuss your event with us, please call 604.303.7707 for a FREE consultation or email

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