Whether it’s your first, third, tenth or who knows what time to plan an event- planning your event goals and objectives is a step you don’t want to skip. Because planning an event without knowing your event goals and objectives is like walking blindfolded on a...
By Victoria Copans Jan 20, 2023 12:26pm (PeopleImages / iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images) The events industry is now solidly on the path to recovery, which is bringing relief and joy to event professionals around the world after what have been an...
January 2, 2023 By: Cheryl Mah Passion, creativity and dedication are some of the hallmarks of the best event planners. And one of the best is Sharon Bonner, founder and CEO of Bright Ideas Events in Vancouver – a 30 year industry veteran who loves what she...
Planning the perfect event starts with determining your budget. This is easier said than done. Event production can be a stressful, confusing task. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Hiring an Event Expert is pivotal to creating realistic event plans that...
Tigers vs Rabbits As the Year of the Tiger ends on January 21, 2023 and the Year of the Rabbit begins, we can expect an abrupt change of pace as we say goodbye to the roaring Tiger and hello to the milder Rabbit. Both anatomically and behaviorally, tigers and rabbits...