Virtual Event Engagement Tips Once you have prepared your event content, chosen your platform and booked various event partners (speakers, panelists, entertainers, etc.), the next step is to engage your attendees with virtual event engagement. This is the fun part...
Choosing A Virtual Platform Can Be Complicated Choosing a virtual platform is not easy. We’ve all gotten familiar with Zoom, Google Meet and Microsoft Teams for regular meetings, webinars and even distanced family dinners, but what if you need to plan an event or...
Bridging the Virtual Divide For many of us, Zoom or Google Meet was not the way we interacted with our colleagues and teams on a regular basis. We are much more accustomed to and likely comfortable with connecting in person, over the phone and via email. There is...
Remember when…Donuts in the Lunchroom was real? Suddenly we find ourselves working differently. We went from commuting to the office on a regular basis, to commuting to the dining room table with our fuzzy slippers on. No longer are we grabbing a...