Sharon Bonner Consulting Located in Vancouver, BC & Serving Western Canada 604-303-7707

What’s New - The latest special event production news from Bright Ideas Event Agency.

About ILEA Vancouver

ILEA Vancouver Chapter was founded in 1993. Its membership represents skilled professionals who are passionate about networking, knowledge and event inspiration. Being a member of the creative events industry and ILEA Vancouver means you are part of an industry that is essential, creative and communicates. It is a global industry that we, as ILEA, have supported for over 25 years.

As a creative events professional, you are looking to learn, to connect, to be inspired, to belong and above all to be part of something special, something valued.

Our events and programs are designed to:

  • Inspire
  • Add value to membership
  • Increase the profile and build awareness of ILEA Vancouver and the events industry
  • Connect members and build relationships

ILEA Mission

The International Live Events Association provides members and stakeholders:

  • Collaborative networking
  • Education and professional development
  • Inspiration
  • Outward awareness and credibility to ensure a thriving global creative events profession.


We have been a member of ILEA since 2001 and are so happy for making the decision to join ILEA 20 years ago. We have developed good friendships and created work relationships and bonds with other members. We call ILEA our event family.

We are so proud to be nominated in three categories:

Event Professional of the Year

Best Virtual Event

Best Event Produced for a Corporation

Winners will be chosen at the Gala next month. Fingers crossed!

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Sharon Bonner Consulting
Bright Ideas Event Agency