Sharon Bonner Consulting Located in Vancouver, BC & Serving Western Canada 604-303-7707
Return on Investment in Events

Return on Investment in Events

  Return On Investment Return On Investment. Every business is talking about it. People have a general distrust of experts, and that’s the main reason why we often decide to do everything ourselves. We believe we know better, which often leads to significant...
Mumbai Delight!

Mumbai Delight!

Embrace the Exotic – Mumbai Delight! Working hard to relax might seem like a linguistic paradox, but if you’ve ever attended a sizzling corporate event like Mumbai Delight, it makes perfect sense. People who work in an office space all year long certainly know...
Make a Splash with Award-Winning Events!

Make a Splash with Award-Winning Events!

It All Takes Time Any corporate, organizational, or social event takes time and planning to make it a success. For a memorable event that wins awards, it demands more than just phone calls and scheduling. The best events, like a beachside rock-and-roll barbecue,...
Bright Ideas Winning Events!

Bright Ideas Winning Events!

In some ways, creating a spectacular event is the easy part. With the right budget and a talented event producer, amazing results are a simple matter of careful planning and execution. However, getting people to show up can be the real challenge. Without an effective...
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