Sharon Bonner Consulting Located in Vancouver, BC & Serving Western Canada 604-303-7707

Corporate Social Responsibility - Enhance your image with an environmentally-friendly event.

Corporate Social Responsibility and our Commitments

As an event producer, Bright Ideas is committed to protecting our environment and helping our community develop social and economic longevity. These are big promises pertaining to everything from the Environment, to Equality in the Workplace, to supporting local. We don’t want our company to be part of the problem, so at Bright Ideas we are guided by these principles:

    • We conduct our business in an open, honest, and ethical manner
    • We foster a commitment to reducing the environmental impact of special events
    • We ensure all employees are treated with respect and dignity
    • Diversity in the workplace is embraced
    • Whenever practical, we work with suppliers that have a proven track record managing their environmental impact and who demonstrate diversity
    • We support ethically sourced food, beverages, greenery, and décor through our partner suppliers
    • We apply fair labour practices, respecting national and local laws
    • We will not engage in or tolerate unlawful workplace conduct, including discrimination, bullying, intimidation, or harassment in any form

Community Investment

Bright Ideas Events Agency is involved with many community associations including the BCSPCA, Richmond Chamber of Commerce, FWE (BC Forum for Women Entrepreneurs), and WBO (Women Business Owners). We also offer internships and mentoring to individuals interested in a career in event coordination and management, helping create a knowledgeable and professional labour force for the event industry.

Environmental Responsibility/Recycling/Sustainability

Whenever possible, Bright Ideas Events Agency uses materials and equipment which can be rented or reused after the event. We inform our suppliers that we prefer materials and supplies that have a low impact on the environment.

If the materials cannot be reused, then we make every effort to use products that can be recycled or composted, or that are constructed out of recycled materials.

Leftover event décor materials, such as carpeting and floral elements, are often donated to schools, art colleges, or community theatres, if they were not given to departing guests.

Safety Compliance

Bright Ideas Events Agency is committed to protecting the health and safety of all individuals affected by our activities, including our employees, contractors, and the public. We provide a safe and healthy working environment and believe strongly in the prevention of accidents and injuries. We inspect all event venues thoroughly and complete a risk assessment of each event. We subscribe to Work Safe BC and many employees on staff are trained in First Aid.

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Sharon Bonner Consulting
Bright Ideas Event Agency