Sharon Bonner Consulting Located in Vancouver, BC & Serving Western Canada 604-303-7707
Feeling Groovy BBQ

Feeling Groovy BBQ

An Groovy Time! Groovy! They say if you can remember the Sixties, you weren’t really there. But for the guests at Feeling Groovy BBQ, their summer picnic was far-out fun that they are unlikely to forget. Bright Ideas’ event production expertise delivered a tie-dyed...
Five Decades of Fun

Five Decades of Fun

Walk Down Memory Lane Five Decades of Fun! After 50 years of operation, the client for this event (a private country club) had a lot of history to share. But many of its members weren’t born when the club opened. Giving them a walk down memory lane, without it turning...
International Events in Vancouver

International Events in Vancouver

Pre-Planning an International Event Bright Ideas Events was responsible for the management of this International Software Conference at the Marriott Pinnacle Hotel in downtown Vancouver. This international conference ended with an Awards Dinner and a fun filled Casino...
A Garden Wedding

A Garden Wedding

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   Planning a Garden Wedding This customized Spring Wedding was more than the bride and groom had hoped for. Their main focus was that they wanted to hold the wedding at the groom’s parents home and make the day ‘family...

Planning A Road Trip!

  Let’s go on a Road Trip! Whether it’s a trip through time or countries, a Road Trip is a great theme to highlight key moments or locations that have contributed to the overall success of your company.  This week, Bright Ideas invites you on a Road Trip, and we...
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Sharon Bonner Consulting
Bright Ideas Event Agency
Feeling Groovy BBQ
Five Decades of Fun
International Events in Vancouver
A Garden Wedding