Sharon Bonner Consulting Located in Vancouver, BC & Serving Western Canada 604-303-7707
Feeling Groovy BBQ

Feeling Groovy BBQ

An Groovy Time! Groovy! They say if you can remember the Sixties, you weren’t really there. But for the guests at Feeling Groovy BBQ, their summer picnic was far-out fun that they are unlikely to forget. Bright Ideas’ event production expertise delivered a tie-dyed...
Gardening Green Picnic

Gardening Green Picnic

  The Concept There isn’t a single blueprint or guidebook to planning an event from scratch.  At Bright Ideas, sometimes the idea comes to us as a whole theme, the big picture, and we creatively fill in each frame.  Other times, a single activity, or ‘tree,’ is our...
2017 Reader’s Choice Awards

2017 Reader’s Choice Awards

Readers Choice Awards HUGE Congratulations to the Nominees. Voting starts March 2nd 2017 Who Are Canada’s Favorite Event Suppliers? It’s happened!! Your clients and peers have shown their love and have nominated you for a Reader’s Choice Award. The 2017...
Smart Women 2017: Entrepreneurs

Smart Women 2017: Entrepreneurs

On March 02, 2017 CEO & President, Sharon Bonner was chosen as one of the Top 50 Women in Meetings 2017.   Given that hundreds of nominations for Smart Women Leaders were received and nearly all of them deserve serious consideration, it was an honor for Sharon to...
Five Decades of Fun

Five Decades of Fun

Walk Down Memory Lane Five Decades of Fun! After 50 years of operation, the client for this event (a private country club) had a lot of history to share. But many of its members weren’t born when the club opened. Giving them a walk down memory lane, without it turning...
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Sharon Bonner Consulting
Bright Ideas Event Agency
Feeling Groovy BBQ
Gardening Green Picnic
2017 Reader’s Choice Awards
Smart Women 2017: Entrepreneurs
Five Decades of Fun