Sharon Bonner Consulting Located in Vancouver, BC & Serving Western Canada 604-303-7707

What’s New - The latest special event production news from Bright Ideas Event Agency.


The Concept

There isn’t a single blueprint or guidebook to planning an event from scratch.  At Bright Ideas, sometimes the idea comes to us as a whole theme, the big picture, and we creatively fill in each frame.  Other times, a single activity, or ‘tree,’ is our starting block and the whole ‘forest’ gets planted around that concept.  That’s how A Gardening Green Picnic was born.

A repeat client wanted her Client Appreciation to include a meaningful, family-friendly activity that met a few criteria. It had to allow her guests to network while they got creative, meaning not too intense; she wanted the activity to double as a guest gift that would last a long time and remind her guests of the event; and finally, she wanted it to contain a competitive component.

Let’s think.  Plants last a while…potted plants last even longer…gardening…a decorate-your-own-pot-and-arrangement Gardening Green Picnic is born with a competitive slant. Perfect!

Lots of Flowers and Dirt!

If Bright Ideas was going to produce a potted plant decorating competition for everyone to enter, that would mean sourcing flats upon flats of potted, pretty, garden variety flowers and presenting them in an easily, available manner.  It would mean sourcing kilograms upon kilograms of potting soil and displaying it so that several groups could work at the same time.

It would also mean sourcing several styles of pots all of a similar size so guests could pick the blank canvas that spoke to them.  And to choose and source a variety of decorations that would appeal to all personality-types, and also to display them so that several groups could work at once, creating minimal mess yet still be an efficient process for guests.

At this point, you can just imagine the footprint this activity took: all the tables each with plastic tablecloth, the shade tents, all of the various containers for the decorations, the extension cords for the hot glue guns, the number of spades for potting plants, the pairs of gardening gloves, and all of the staff to man, maintain, and continually restock each station.

It was a huge undertaking!

The Competition

But more important than logistics was equality.  How would each guest have a fair shot at the glory of winning the Gardening Green contest?  To keep everything fair, each guest was allotted the same amount of each item.  One pot.  So many finger-fulls of whichever decorations they loved.  And any varieties they wanted, but only so many individual potted plants.  With the playing field leveled, guests were given coupons at Registration when they arrived, redeemable at each station, and so there was equal access to Gardening Green Glory!

In the end, the contest was hilarious, with various categories to enter; Best, Worst, First Runner Up, etc. Everyone had a lovely time, received a charming gift, and took home a precious memory of their afternoon of gardening.

So there’s our ‘tree,’ now let’s plant the ‘forest.’

Healthy Green Lunch

A Gardening Green Picnic absolutely must be held at a beautiful outdoor venue with plenty of space.  And that’s precisely what we found.  A beautiful old manor on the shores of the Pacific Ocean in a swanky neighborhood with sprawling lawns for the kids to run around on and floral garden paths to be inspired by.

A picnic affair must have picnic fare.  But a high-end venue like this hosting a once-a-year event called for more than wieners and potato salad.  A gourmet menu was custom designed, inspired by traditional feel-good picnic munchies, and it certainly left guests wishing they could bring home more than their floral contest entry!

And that’s how A Gardening Green Picnic blossomed from the ‘tree’ of one, simple request to become a whole, cohesive ‘forest.’  Inspiration can be used in either direction, from the roots up or the canopy down. To see more photos from this creative, sustainable event, click here.

Call us for your Green Picnic today!

Bright Ideas is just brimming with inspiration, so if you’ve found yourself with one, creative ‘tree’ but cannot see the ‘forest,’ call us and we’ll bring you the whole wildlife scene!


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Sharon Bonner Consulting
Bright Ideas Event Agency
Gardening, Green Picnic, Corporate Events, Bright Ideas Events, Vancouver
Gardening Picnic, Corporate Events, Bright Ideas Events, Corporate Events, Green,
Green Picnic, Gardening, Corporate Events, Bright Ideas Events,
Garden Contest, Planting, Flowers, Corporate Events, Bright Ideas, Creative
Green Picnic, Gardening Contest, Winning, Corporate Events, Vancouver, Bright Ideas Events
Gardening Green, Corporate Picnics, Bright Ideas Events, Vancouver Event Planning
Gardening Green Picnic, Bright Ideas Events, Corporate Events, Vanvcouver, Healthy Lunch