Sharon Bonner Consulting Located in Vancouver, BC & Serving Western Canada 604-303-7707

What’s New - The latest special event production news from Bright Ideas Event Agency.


Ground Zero

Bright Ideas Events was hired to produce this Ground Breaking Event in New Westminster, British Columbia.  Local VIP’s and dignitaries gathered for a first-hand look at a new development, The Brewery District, in New Westminster, BC.

WesGroup, Ground Breaking Event, Bright Ideas Events, Corporate Events
Bright Ideas Events, WesGroup, Ground Breaking Events, Corporate Events

Ground Breaking Event, WesGroup, Bright Ideas Events, Corporate Events, Vancouver

Inside the Tent

Inside the tent, a stage was set along with registration, site display and of course refreshments! Dignitaries, politicians and corporate VP’s were on hand to formally open the project.



Guests were shuttled to a reception at the Fraser River Discovery Centre, where historical displays of The Brewery District were available for viewing. A Jazz Trio played in the background while guests sampled gorgeous healthy appetizers with edible flowers!

Fraser Valley Discovery Centre, WesGroup, New Westminster, Grand Opening, Bright Ideas Events
The Brewery District, WesGroup, New Westminster, Bright Ideas Events

The Brewery District, WesGroup, New Westminster, Corporate Events, Vancouver, Bright Ideas Events

WesGroup, Corporate Events, Bright Ideas Events, Grand Opening
WesGroup,, Grand Opening, Bright Ideas, Vancouver, Corporate Events

To have Bright Ideas plan your next Ground Breaking Event and launch your business in style, call us at 604.303.7707. We’d love to bring our shovel and get started today!


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