Sharon Bonner Consulting Located in Vancouver, BC & Serving Western Canada 604-303-7707


The Perfect Social Acitivity

With PartyHats by Bright Ideas, your guests become the creative artists and decorate colourful hats with all sorts of fantastic trimmings. The fun and excitement continues as they wear the hats throughout the event and take them home as a souvenir. This activity is great fun for any event, regardless of age, gender, or occupation. With no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to create a PartyHat, it’s a great way to get your team thinking creatively and working cooperatively to realize their vision.

PartyHats is the ideal solution if you’re looking for:

    • an icebreaker or warm-up activity
    • a non-traditional team building activity
    • a break-out session that encourages creativity, collaboration, and coorporation
    • if you’ve got everything else covered for your next corporate event and you just need help with an innovative activity idea

How Should We Incporporate PartyHats into You Next Event?

Full Service

Bright Ideas’ PartyHats will set up the acitvity and supplies before the event, facilitate the activity, and then clean up after the event is over. Our Partyologists will assist your guests during the event in creating their very own masterpiece. We supply everything that you need from the hats and trimmings, to the table coverings, mirrors, and a huge rack full of sample hats for creative inspiration. All you have to do is show up and have fun!

Hat In A Box

Create your own masterpiece at your next event. Choose any theme and we will provide you with a variety of colorful sculpted hats to decorate with your own artistic flair. All our kits include a hand-painted hat shell, trimmings, ribbon, funky fabrics, glitter, feathers, scissors, hot glue gun, and glue sticks. A step-by-step brochure is included to guarantee a flawless event!

Hat In A Box Goes Virtual – This option can be easily adapted for your next vitual event.  We’ll ship the Hats In A Box to the addresses wher each participant will be attending from and the fun grows from there!


Bright Ideas’ PartyHats is able to customize this activity to suit your event needs. Hats can be themed to your event with matching colours, assorted decorative materials and customized styles. The whole process, from creation to demonstration, is a fabulous photo opportunity and bring lots of laughter as your guests compare and compete! We offer an array of themes such as Rock ‘n Roll, Mardi Gras, Casino, Mad Hatter, just to name a few. Corporate colors and logos may also be incorporated to add that special touch!

For more information on how Bright Ideas’ PartyHats can make your next event outstanding, check out our PartyHats gallery and you’ll see why this activity is such a crowd-pleaser, then give the event experts at Bright Ideas a call or fill out our online quote request form to begin planning!

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Sharon Bonner Consulting
Bright Ideas Event Agency