Sharon Bonner Consulting Located in Vancouver, BC & Serving Western Canada 604-303-7707

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Embrace the Exotic – Mumbai Delight!

Working hard to relax might seem like a linguistic paradox, but if you’ve ever attended a sizzling corporate event like Mumbai Delight, it makes perfect sense. People who work in an office space all year long certainly know how empowering and recharging an exotic Summer Event outside the workspace can be.

Have you been thinking about organizing a Summer Event that’s going to leave all of your employees with a bucket filled with fun memories?

Or perhaps you’d like to organize an exclusive, unforgettable event in honor of your partners and clients? The summer is perfect for lively, colorful events that will take people’s minds off of work and put them in a relaxed mood. Nothing brings people together in the summertime better than a little spark of the exotic!

When you organize a cutting-edge event, your guests receive a unique and memorable experience that stays with them for a long time. This experience will have a direct impact on your staff’s morale, and we all know, people are more productive when they’re satisfied with the workplace. Clients and partners will know how to appreciate all your efforts if you bring some unconventional fun their way. Making an effort to make people happy is always appreciated.

The Exotic Spark of Mumbai Delight

Impress your clientele by breaking away from the usual and expected. Let your imagination wonder. How about taking your valuable employees or your clientele to glorious India?

India has a rich culture that makes an amazing starting point for a spectacular event. At Bright Ideas Events, we produce mesmerizing themed events that will take all the attendees straight to Mumbai. One of these themes, we call Mumbai Delight.

If you’ve ever tried Indian food, you need no introduction for all the delicious varieties this kind of event features. It doesn’t matter if your corporate partners are vegetarians, vegans, if they like their food spicy or mild, there is something for everyone. Authentic Indian food combined with authentic décor and unforgettable fun is always a winning idea. Bring a spark of Mumbai to your clientele, and rest assured they will be talking about it for months!

Bhangra Dancers Delight

Vibrant colors, authentic Indian entertainers, and the infectious bhangra music are perfect matches for an unforgettable exotic event. Let your clientele relax and enjoy themselves watching lively Indian dancers take over the scene with their colorful clothes and joyful dancing. The spirit of Mumbai invades the venue and takes over so quickly with this much authenticity.

It won’t just entertain your attendees; it will make them get up and jump right into the exotic delights your event offers

What’s better than taking a break from the long hot, ordinary summer and spending a night spiced with exotic goodies? Give your partners and clients a night to remember. Hosting a Mumbai Delight event creates a positive vibe around the office and this is something every organization needs more than anything.

Mumbai Delight is just one of the exotic themed summer events Bright Ideas can make come true. Contact us and let’s spark this summer up together!


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Summer Themes – Part 1 of 2

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