Sharon Bonner Consulting Located in Vancouver, BC & Serving Western Canada 604-303-7707
Say “Thank You!” to Employees with a Company Event

Say “Thank You!” to Employees with a Company Event

Saying thank you is important! Office rumors spread like wildfire, especially on the downside of winter when company morale may be ebbing. That’s why immediately after New Year’s is the best time to begin organizing a summer event. Sunny corporate picnics, outdoor...
Expert Insight: Sharon Bonner Talks Event Themes and Design

Expert Insight: Sharon Bonner Talks Event Themes and Design

Meetings Today interviews Sharon Bonner about her involvement in the event industry over the past 30 years. Designs & Themes Sharon Bonner, president and CEO of Vancouver, B.C.-based Bright Ideas Events, has been producing events for three decades, so when it...
The Perfect Client Appreciation

The Perfect Client Appreciation

What does an age-old expression have to do with your party budget?  Every company has customers, and this week, Bright Ideas is going to share with you why the Perfect Client Appreciation Event is the proverbial stone that kills two birds when it comes to spending...
Feeling Groovy BBQ

Feeling Groovy BBQ

An Groovy Time! Groovy! They say if you can remember the Sixties, you weren’t really there. But for the guests at Feeling Groovy BBQ, their summer picnic was far-out fun that they are unlikely to forget. Bright Ideas’ event production expertise delivered a tie-dyed...
Gardening Green Picnic

Gardening Green Picnic

  The Concept There isn’t a single blueprint or guidebook to planning an event from scratch.  At Bright Ideas, sometimes the idea comes to us as a whole theme, the big picture, and we creatively fill in each frame.  Other times, a single activity, or ‘tree,’ is our...
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Sharon Bonner Consulting
Bright Ideas Event Agency
Say “Thank You!” to Employees with a Company Event
Expert Insight: Sharon Bonner Talks Event Themes and Design
The Perfect Client Appreciation
Feeling Groovy BBQ
Gardening Green Picnic