Sharon Bonner Consulting Located in Vancouver, BC & Serving Western Canada 604-303-7707
 A Christmas Carol Themed Holiday Staff Party

 A Christmas Carol Themed Holiday Staff Party

When our client approached us looking for help planning their Christmas Carol-themed holiday staff party, we took upon this challenge with eagerness and excitement. Our client loved the classic holiday movie and the overall theme of transformation towards kindness...
A Christmas Carol Celebration

A Christmas Carol Celebration

A Christmas Carol is one of the most well-loved and most enduring holiday stories of all time. It’s a humbling tale that reminds us that while we define success differently, we need one another to succeed in this life. Throwing A Christmas Carol themed event for your...
Award Winning Holiday Events

Award Winning Holiday Events

Holiday parties for a corporate setting aren’t easy to innovate, which is why many employees tend to skip them. After all, what is the point of attending a holiday party that’s the same every year — or even worse, the same as every other corporate holiday party out...
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Sharon Bonner Consulting
Bright Ideas Event Agency
 A Christmas Carol Themed Holiday Staff Party
A Christmas Carol Celebration
Award Winning Holiday Events