Located in Vancouver, BC & Serving Western Canada 604-303-7707
4 Ways an Event Consultant will save you money

4 Ways an Event Consultant will save you money

We hope you get to read this before making that big decision. Throwing an event on your own is no easy feat. It can surprise you when you least expect it, and by then you are already in the weeds of the planning and your reputation is on the line! However, it does not...
Why Clients Love Partnering With Us

Why Clients Love Partnering With Us

At Bright Ideas Events, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional event planning services that reasons to why clients love partnering with us. Over the years, we have built a reputation for excellence, creativity, and trustworthiness. Here are 10 reasons why you...
Harnessing the Power of AI at Your Events

Harnessing the Power of AI at Your Events

AI is all we talk about these days, and for good reason too! Did you know AI can assist you in the process of planning, during, and even after your event? Is this not wonderful? We certainly think it is! This artificial intelligence can aid in many aspects of the...
Why It’s Smart to Choose Our Event Production Services in 2024

Why It’s Smart to Choose Our Event Production Services in 2024

Don’t we all love events? Breaking routine, dressing up, meeting new faces! Especially after the recent years of isolation, most of us probably don’t leave the house as often as we used to. So, how do you expect to get new clients or opportunities while staying...
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