Sharon Bonner Consulting Located in Vancouver, BC & Serving Western Canada 604-303-7707

What’s New - The latest special event production news from Bright Ideas Event Agency.

Horses, Goats, and Consulting?

WOW, did 2014 ever fly by! We galloped from one event to the next with the speed of a thoroughbred racehorse. It was a busy year for Bright Ideas. Whether we were creating a West Coast Native intimate gathering or a week-long manager’s retreat, a steady stream of theme parties and corporate events kept us ‘in the saddle’ for the past twelve months. And when we weren’t at work on a client project, we were busy sharing our experience and wisdom, posting a tip-filled weekly blog and writing the latest chapter in our 25th Anniversary ebook.

Our events and projects were certainly packed with horsepower. From fire-eaters to custom-built crystal chandeliers, digital graphics developed in-house to redesigning our business cards, we made the most of our experience, industry contacts, and event production expertise!

Now you’re asking, what’s with all the ‘horse’ metaphors? Well, we did a quick online search and learned, lo and behold: 2014 was the Year of the Horse in the Chinese traditional zodiac!

Then we thought: this can’t be a coincidence…what is the animal for 2015?

2015 = Year of the Sheep (Goat)

Bright Ideas Blog - 2015 Year of the Sheep (3)A

To paraphrase a description we found online, 2015 will be filled with teamwork – joining forces to accomplish tasks of exceptional detail and creativity. This will require attention to detail and a humble determination to see all projects through to completion. Sounds just like the way we like to work!

We have already begun planning an event that is so creative and innovative that it hasn’t been seen before in Vancouver! And in order to accomplish this, we assembled a team of our best suppliers –because everyone’s contribution will rely on the others’. So, we have to think of every little detail, script every moment for a minute-by-minute blueprint to this event, and make sure we turn this script into an unforgettable reality. It’s a team effort extraordinaire!

And what’s more, Bright Ideas wants to ‘team up’ with its clients this year on a new level, by inviting you to take advantage of our consultancy services. In the true spirit of the Sheep/Goat, we want to work with you, providing the tools you need to produce the event of your corporate dreams! Check out more information about our consultant services on our website.

Now the title of this blog makes a lot more sense, eh?!

Happy New Year Everyone. And Happy Year of the Sheep/Goat! This is a great time to put Bright Ideas’ team work and attention to detail to work for your organization in 2015. Call or request a quote for your next corporate event now, so you can relax and enjoy a worry-free year of event success in 2015!


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Sharon Bonner Consulting
Bright Ideas Event Agency
Bright Ideas Blog - 2015 Year of the Sheep (3)A