Sharon Bonner Consulting Located in Vancouver, BC & Serving Western Canada 604-303-7707

What’s New - The latest special event production news from Bright Ideas Event Agency.

by CEO & Founder Sharon Bonner

In mid-March, 2020 when the Coronavirus caused everyone to stay home, I had no idea that I would learn so much about myself. Some of the things I knew, but many others were quite surprising to discover.  

Here are 5 things that stand out.


  • I am caring. I knew that I was a kind and helpful person in general, but when the lockdown occurred, my first instinct was to do something to help others. I formed the GEC (Global Events Community) to assist for others who were looking for information and resources just like I was. The community has been wonderful for those people feeling confused and lost. We are building it day by day and welcome any new additions to any section. It is a resource for us all, so feel free to contribute.


  • I need structure. For the first month I was all over the map. Getting up early, getting up late, getting dressed, staying in my pajama until noon, etc. By the second month, I realized that I needed a routine and so I got up at the same time each day, dressed, had a coffee and started my day. I felt much better and was more productive. I have continued this routine from April onwards now.


  • Learning is important to me. I signed up for dozens of virtual webinars, summits, conferences and classes. In fact I got so excited about learning, I signed up for too many online classes. I wanted to learn how to build my own website, paint with acrylic and make my own jewelry. I have stopped signing up for courses now and need to catch up on them.


  • I love to write. I knew that writing was a passion of mine, as I had written a book in 2013 called The Bright Ideas Adventure, but it had been a while since I sat down to write. I started writing again and really enjoy it. I am working on my second book called The Bright Ideas European Adventure where I travel through Europe interviewing Event Producers in Europe. Release date for this book is fall 2021. I plan to continue writing each day as this keeps me fresh and brings me great joy!


  • Friends are Golden. With a very busy Event Production company over the past three decades, I had little time to spend with friends. Since COVID-19 I have connected with high school friends, and longtime friends that I had been meaning to catch up with but never had the time. It feels so good that each week my goal is to touch base with someone that I have been meaning to call. It’s so amazing that my friends and I can pick up right where we left off after many years.  

I think the most important overall aspect that I learned during the past two months, is that I worked too much. I think I knew that deep down inside, but now it is much clearer to me.

Life is about the journey, not the destination. Now I take the time to stop and smell the roses.


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