Sharon Bonner Consulting Located in Vancouver, BC & Serving Western Canada 604-303-7707

What’s New - The latest special event production news from Bright Ideas Event Agency.

Virtual Event Background of a Tropical Resort

Previously on the Bright Ideas Blog, we saw a glimpse of this tropical virtual corporate retreat and the event details. This week we are diving deeper into this virtual event. We will evaluate the aspects of the event that led us to receive two event award nominations.

Virtual corporate event

The Event

The Director of HR contacted us for a Vancouver law firm looking for creative and technical support to produce a virtual corporate retreat for their team.  

Quick Facts

  • Used Remo virtual platform 
  • Partnered with Creative Twist for production
  • Close to 100 attendees & staff
  • Four-hour-long virtual event

The Issue

After a year of working remotely, the team was isolated, disconnected and Zoomed out. Leadership knew that the team needed to come together and have some positive shared experiences, but they were very reluctant to mandate more screen time for this virtual corporate retreat.  

This group was accustomed to attending annual in-person retreats at top-tier resorts with excellent food and beverage. Knowing the guest’s past experiences with their annual retreat, we knew this virtual version had to be exceptional. 

The Objective

There were several main objectives to achieve with our client’s virtual corporate retreat. Firstly they wanted to provide a virtual event platform beyond Zoom’s basic capacities. Our client and their guests were very unfamiliar with virtual events and were protective of their team. They knew that if it weren’t a smooth, barrier-free experience, the attendees would tune out and focus on their work instead of the retreat. So we needed to curate an attendee journey that would capture their attention early and hold it for four hours.

Secondly, our client wanted to keep their guests engaged through as many interactive experiences as possible. The guest experience had to be fun, visual and interactive. There had to be tangible elements, great food and some aspect of competition because this group was highly competitive.

While keeping guests engaged, they also wanted to encourage them to connect and forge new connections.

How The Objective Was Achieved

We began by developing a theme and environment that matched the guest’s interests. Our client wanted to transport their attendees to a fun and carefree place. So, the most fitting destination was a tropical beach resort in Hawaii. 

Along with our client, we brainstormed ideas for interactive activities and challenges. From there, w set out to build a custom Beach Resort-themed retreat. 

Three Main Event Objectives

Objective #1 – Do better than Zoom

To entice guests to their virtual corporate event, we sourced a virtual event platform that provided a well-rounded guest experience. So, we utilized a virtual event venue that leveraged the Remo platform. We built a completely custom and visually interesting virtual Beach Resort floor plan on this platform. Guests were guided through the platform every step of the way to encourage movement and interaction.

Objective #2 – Keep them engaged

To get guests excited for the virtual event, we provided fun teasers and ‘Know Before You Go’ documents, with help from our client. In addition, we enlisted two of the firm’s lawyers to act as emcees while our team assisted with scripts and supported visuals to make the flow fun.

Before the event, our team delivered beach-inspired swag, food boxes and cocktail kits to everyone so they could have tangible elements to engage with while attending virtually. In addition, guests were encouraged to come dressed in their best resort wear to help promote the event theme. 

During the event, guests participated in various activities and challenges to keep it fresh and exciting. These events were great to capitalize on the guest’s competitive nature.

Objective #3 – Get them to connect with each other

Before the event, we worked with the client to curate virtual table assignments for each activity. Doing so encouraged mixed levels of seniority and departments to interact with each other. During each activity, we switched up the groups and had them break bread together, work as a team or engage in friendly competition. The activities required people to keep their cameras and mics on, which helped them to be present and engaged. 

The Results

Along with our client, we hosted an exceptional virtual corporate retreat where guests participated in custom curated activities that left them thrilled. Customized gift, catering and cocktail boxes were delivered to all virtual attendees, who then had the opportunity to put these items to use through various activities and competitions.

Our client was pleased to see their event goals achieved. Guests mixed and mingled amongst the virtual resort and remained engaged throughout all activities. The attendees interacted in the virtual chat with playful commentary and stayed to the very end with their cameras on almost the entire time.

Virtual event floorplan

In Conclusion

Bright Ideas was able to execute a well-planned tropical virtual retreat thanks to the flexibility and open-mindedness of our client. By changing their annual retreat to a virtual event, these attendees from this Vancouver law firm did not have to miss out amidst the Covid 19 pandemic.

If you are looking for a safe and alternative event solution for your corporate event, we would love to speak with you! We will help you determine if a virtual or hybrid event is right for you and your organization. So, contact us to see if our virtual or hybrid event services are right for you!

You might also enjoy reading the following blogs:

How To Host A Virtual Event
How To Host A Hybrid Event
10 Event Entertainment Ideas For Virtual & Hybrid Events

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