Sharon Bonner Consulting Located in Vancouver, BC & Serving Western Canada 604-303-7707

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As corporate event planners, we love to see our clients give back to the local community. Over the years, we have seen some pretty unique ways that our clients have chosen to give back. So, in the spirit of Thanksgiving and being thankful for what we have, we are sharing some of the top ways for your company to give back in time for Thanksgiving.

10 Unique Ways For Your Company To Give Back

1. Donating Costumes and Clothing

Spring is not the only time of year that you can clean your event wardrobe to donate clothing. We recommend asking your guests to donate clothes and toys to a local church or shelter in time for Thanksgiving and the cooler weather. To begin, a few weeks before the holidays, ask your employees and guests to sort through their houses for clothes or toys in good condition. Then, have a central point in the office or at the event where everyone can drop off their things to donate. Be sure to provide an end date for collections and assign someone to drop the items off after the end date.

2. Offering Your Expertise and Time

You can donate your time teaching courses to a city school or shelter. Many centers offer mentor programs to help prepare some members for the workforce. A great way to get involved is to help with resumes and practise interviews to apply for jobs. 

3. Volunteering Together at a Soup Kitchen

You can call a local shelter or soup kitchen and ask what their availability is for your team to come in and donate their time. You can do this once before Thanksgiving, on Thanksgiving or do it once a week till Christmas. Not only is this a great way to give back to your community, but it is also a great way to bring your team closer together.

4. Sponsoring a Holiday Event 

Thanksgiving is the time of the year when many charitable events start their fundraisers. The options are endless around the holidays, from food drives to donating to families. Your company can be a sponsor of an event or offer to donate something within your business’s area of expertise. A great example could include graphic design, marketing and sponsorship help or sign printing. 

5. Giving a Portion of Sales to a Non-Profit Organization 

You can donate to a charity connected to your business, even a restaurant that might serve your business to support the food pantry. Catering companies are great for this option. You can also choose a popular place among your employees and donate a portion of sales over the holidays. Once done, be sure to make a post about your fundraiser on your company’s social media to let your audience know that you are supporting the community. 

6. Visiting a Retirement Home or Rehabilitation Center

The holidays can be a lonely time of year for seniors, especially Thanksgiving. You can help by bringing some flowers, baked goods or anything you think would be appreciated to your local retirement home. Donating your time is also a great way to give back to these groups. You can sit and speak to the seniors or patients or spend the day helping out. From helping them through their day-to-day chores or playing cards, reading to them, any time donated would be greatly appreciated. 

7. Creating Thanksgiving Baskets 

Not only would this be an opportunity for your employees to spend time together, but also it would be a fun activity to help the community. Collect or purchase essential items such as toiletries and food to build baskets and donate to the homeless. You can make these and deliver them to an organization or go out in your community hand-delivering them to those in need. 

8. Sponsoring a Family

Your company can sponsor a family and provide for that family in whatever appropriate way.

We recommend working with a local organization in your community to assign your company to a family. You will then contribute to this family financially by supplying the essentials throughout the year or just for the holidays.

9. Baking & Cooking

A fun and easy way to give back is by baking or cooking for a local organization. Your team can bake homemade goods and deliver them to the less fortunate or a local organization that will distribute them. 

10. Spreading the Word

At the absolute minimum, your company could choose a few local charities to support and spread awareness about them. By educating your staff, event attendees and audience, you are helping to spread the word on behalf of the organization.

As an organization that gives back to our local community, we love to inspire our clients to do so as well. Some of our favorite ways to give back are through our local ILEA Vancouver chapter and with student mentorships.

We hope you found some inspiration in this week’s blog and are motivated to give back to your community this Thanksgiving.

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