Sharon Bonner Consulting Located in Vancouver, BC & Serving Western Canada 604-303-7707
7 Reasons Why We Submit To Event Awards

7 Reasons Why We Submit To Event Awards

This year marks Bright Ideas Event Agencies’ 20th year of winning event awards. We are so grateful to be categorized as one of the best in the Canadien event industry through recognition of these awards.  Each year I sit down and reflect on our top events...
Unique & Creative Office Christmas Party Ideas & Activities

Unique & Creative Office Christmas Party Ideas & Activities

This year marks the return of the office Christmas party! With 2022 being the first year that in-person Christmas parties are allowed since 2019, we wanted to provide you with some fun office Christmas party ideas to get your guests excited! With the return of...
Case Study | A Micro Corporate Christmas Party

Case Study | A Micro Corporate Christmas Party

How do you host a corporate Christmas party for an entire office while also adhering to pandemic gathering limits and physical distancing requirements during winter and outdoors? The Bright Ideas team made it possible! Follow along as we dive deeper into this micro...
We WON an Esprit Award!

We WON an Esprit Award!

We won An ILEA Esprit Award for our event Masks & Merriment. Fully understanding the implications of our WorkPlace Safety Plan necessitated some of the feature characteristics of this event: smaller groups, time to sanitize, well-ventilated spaces including the...
Important Event KPIs To Track For Your Next Corporate Event

Important Event KPIs To Track For Your Next Corporate Event

Did you receive your return on investment (ROI) from your last event? If you did not set event KPIs, you may never know. Event KPIs are a vital tool to use to determine your events’ overall success and if you have reached your return on investment. By not...
ILEA Esprit Award WIN!

ILEA Esprit Award WIN!

We are proud to announce that our founder and CEO Sharon Bonner has WON a 2022 ILEA Esprit Award. ILEA is an important organization when it comes to professional event planning. So, to be recognized by this awards show for the hard work Sharon and the entire team have...
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Sharon Bonner Consulting
Bright Ideas Event Agency
7 Reasons Why We Submit To Event Awards
Unique & Creative Office Christmas Party Ideas & Activities
Case Study | A Micro Corporate Christmas Party
We WON an Esprit Award!
Important Event KPIs To Track For Your Next Corporate Event
ILEA Esprit Award WIN!