Sharon Bonner Consulting Located in Vancouver, BC & Serving Western Canada 604-303-7707
Event Series | How To Calculate ROI For Your Corporate Event

Event Series | How To Calculate ROI For Your Corporate Event

Despite the euphoria you get when you see social media posts and photographs the day after your event, personal satisfaction isn’t an accurate measure of success. Instead, a more effective way to measure success is to evaluate the return on investment for your event...
Event Consulting Series | Corporate Event Gifts & Giveaway

Event Consulting Series | Corporate Event Gifts & Giveaway

I LOVE SWAG! There, I have said it. I have received tons of practical corporate event gifts during the past 34 years that I have been in business. One of my favourite parts of walking up to the registration desk at a conference is anticipating what gifts they might be...
Quick & Easy Team Building Activities To Energize Your Participants

Quick & Easy Team Building Activities To Energize Your Participants

Teams do not simply self-form, just like a group of people does not make up a team. Think about the difference between a team and a crowd at a sporting event. The crowd is noisy, sometimes at odds, and has different motivations depending on which team they cheer for...
Event Consulting Series | Virtual Event Activities For Your Event

Event Consulting Series | Virtual Event Activities For Your Event

Event planning is not a one size fits all approach. Each event requires different event activities that will draw the attention of your guests and keep them engaged. Activities are especially crucial for virtual events where you cannot physically see if your guests...
Event Consulting Series | Booking The Ideal Event Entertainment

Event Consulting Series | Booking The Ideal Event Entertainment

Choosing the right event entertainment can sound like a daunting task with so many possibilities. For example, you could offer your guests active entertainment they are involved in or provide a passive entertainment experience. In addition, these choices could depend...
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