Sharon Bonner Consulting Located in Vancouver, BC & Serving Western Canada 604-303-7707
Digital Games Are the Rage

Digital Games Are the Rage

Sometimes, an event can look great, have fantastic food and atmosphere, but still fail to make an impact. The missing piece in that puzzle is attendee participation, which can be challenging to encourage. Interaction is the keyword, and it is something many events...
Event Trends for 2020

Event Trends for 2020

Event planning might be one of the few industries where staying on track with current trends is extremely important. However, it is also an industry where looking ahead into what is coming can make the difference between a successful business and a failed enterprise....
4 Engaging Ways to Use Social Media for Team Building

4 Engaging Ways to Use Social Media for Team Building

What’s better: running a business without ever trying to nurture positive bonds between employees, or helping them cultivate strong relationships that facilitate better cooperation? When you pose the question that way, the answer is clear. Still, many business owners...
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