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Here are some fascinating facts about our wholesome and beloved founder, Sharon Bonner!

#1 Fact: What’s Her Zodiac Sign?  

Sharon was born on March 11, which falls under the Pisces season! A quick Google search tells us that people born under this sign are often highly intuitive and compassionate with a strong creative side. This description aligns perfectly with Sharon’s kind personality and her talent for crafting events from nothing.

#2 Fact: A Young Superstar? 

Speaking of creativity, Sharon is she loved to perform. We aren’t surprised, given her talent for expressing emotions and her natural ease in the spotlight. If she weren’t so passionate about events, maybe she would have starred alongside Harrison Ford in some Indiana Jones movie, considering her love for adventures.

#3 Fact: Actress? 

Did we mention that she travelled to Summer School in the USA for acting when she was  younger? Did she have stage fright? No Way! In fact, she is definitely not one to shy away from performing. We’d bet $100 that if your event band failed to show up, Sharon could easily own the stage with her angelic voice and presence. But don’t get your hopes up because when Sharon organizes an event, you can rest assured that everything will go according to plan, and she always has a backup plan.

#4 Fact: Third Book In-The-Making? 

Her artistic skills don’t just stop at performing. Sharon is known for her excellent writing abilities.  She has authored many blogs and was recently offered a chance to write a recurring column in one magazine and become a regular contributor in another magazine, both about event planning! Make sure to send her any event-related questions for her “Ask An Event Expert” column!

“Ask An Event Expert” Column – Sharon will be writing a recurring column in the Canadian Events Special Magazine (page 27)

Regular contributor at Corporate Meetings Network https://corporatemeetingsnetwork.ca/?s=Sharon+Bonner 

But that’s not all. In fact, she also wrote two books about event planning, “Donuts in the Lunchroom” and “The Bright Ideas Adventure – 25 Years of Event Excellence” . As for the third one, that’s still a secret, so stay tuned.

#5 Fact: A Mentor 

With so much knowledge and experience, it would be a shame if Sharon left without making an impact. By impact, we mean that Sharon has single-handedly mentored 250 young professionals in business and continues to do so. We are all grateful that Sharon took us under her wing and has been a significant influence and inspiration to us all.

#6 Fact: Traveling Is in Her Blood 

One thing Sharon loves is when she gets to travel for an event. Traveling is second only to her passion for events. She loves it so much that she dreams of living in Italy after visiting there several times. So, Italy beware! Sharon might grab that $1 house and move there, or at least vacation there, as she loves her family too much to be gone for too long.

#7 Fact: Nature Person 

Sharon might be very bubbly and exciting and seem to never stop moving, however, she did grow up on a farm in Alberta. She does love to ground herself with nature from time to time, to simply de-stress and find peace in the busy world of event planning. According to her, she really likes to be alone in nature and her happy place is on a deserted beach on a tropical island surrounded by white sand deserted beaches and turquoise waters.

#8 Fact: She Loves Flowers – All Kinds 

Sharon is obsessed with flowers of all types and colors. Did you know that she has won ribbons for her orchids? At one time she had 118 orchids in her home office. Sharon would spend all day in a beautiful garden if she could, but for now, she surrounds herself with as many flowers as she can when decorating an event.

#9 Fact: Favorite Colors 

Here are Sharon’s top 3 favorite colors in order, and what each usually symbolizes. This might help you get to know Sharon a little better or give you an idea for a thoughtful gift.


People who prefer blue are usually imaginative, sincere, idealistic, compassionate, communicative, sympathetic, and enthusiastic.


Those who prefer purple are more likely to be artistic, thoughtful, and intuitive.


As for her third favorite color, pink, it is usually associated with loving, kind, and sensitive individuals, often with a strong nurturing and sensual side.

#10 Fact: Favorite Food & Activity 

She loves baking when she has time between running companies, attending client meetings, and organizing amazing events. When asked about her favorite food, most of us would say pizza, but not Sharon – she chose popcorn. Why popcorn, you might wonder? Is it often served at events? Does she love going to the theater? Or is it because it’s quick to make as a snack? Maybe popcorn was a family snack from her childhood. We’ll have to wait for “10 More Things You Didn’t Know About Sharon” to find out.

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