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I have never RANTED on LinkedIn but a month ago I felt I MUST. We had just lost our second bid and I was fired up!

Have a read at what I wrote. To date 22,782 views with 109 comments. It’s clear that others agree with me.

Here is the LinkedIn Rant:

Read My Thoughts Here

I know that this topic has been discussed thousands of times but it is affecting all of us in the event industry.

I cannot hold this in any longer.

Our industry needs to talk about this issue and somehow find a solution. It is just not right.

I have been a professional Event Producer for 34 years. I had no training in 1988 and taught myself everything I know.

I am super proud of all that I have achieved.

It wasn’t easy. I worked hard for all that I have today. I made dozens of sacrifices along the way but that was my decision. I valued the sacrifices.

Today I am fed up.

We have lost our second large contract this year because I refused to give away ideas for FREE!

For the past decade or two, we have not provided our creative ideas and concepts for free.

I refuse.

To us, it is like asking a lawyer or engineer to work for hours on our file for free, with no guarantee that we will be using their legal or engineering services in the end.

It is not right.  

It shouldn’t be asked of us.

I feel that our work stands for itself. Our 47 nominations and 36 awards are testament to our theme development skills and ability to transform blank canvas venues into magical spaces.

That’s the proof.

It is unfortunate that our past work does not seem to be convincing enough for prospective clients to trust that we will do a good job.


Since COVID, companies are desperate for jobs and are giving away their creative concepts for free.

We are not one of them.

How can WE as an industry train our junior colleagues that giving away their ideas and concepts for FREE is not the way to go?

These junior planners will be faced with the same issues us senior producers are facing today if we don’t smarten up and value our work.

There just has to be a better way.

I feel frustrated and a bit hopeless today.

And the Message is spreading …

After I ranted, I was interviewed by Sue Pelletier who wrote a LinkedIn article further discussing this topic on Skift Meetings . I must admit that over 22,700 views and over 109 comments later, we have gleaned some new information and created new ways to prevent this from happening in the future.

The only question is now, “Will Event Planners continue to say no to free conceptual ideas?” Only time will tell.

Don`t copy text!

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