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What’s New - The latest special event production news from Bright Ideas Event Agency.

Vancouver Corporate Gala

Has the events industry shifted back to the pre-pandemic norms yet, have we adapted to the challenges that we faced during the pandemic or have we found ourselves floating somewhere in the middle? We’ve seen the post-pandemic events industry take concepts we learned during the pandemic and adapt them into what we knew and loved before the pandemic to face the challenges of this post-pandemic world head-on. 

Oftentimes, it is surprising to most that this new world of event planning is more stressful, time-consuming, disappointing, expensive and frustrating. Understanding the current state of the events industry could help you or your clients manage the expectations of these new practices that we find ourselves in, in this post-pandemic world. 

Bright Ideas has been a stalwart industry leader paving the way for this new normal and we figured we could share our understanding of the truths for some rumours that are floating around. 

Rumours & Truths of Planning a Post-Pandemic Event in The Vancouver Events Industry

Read on…

Vancouver Corporate Gala

Rumour: Live events are back to normal


People are eager and have a huge appetite for attending live, in-person events. However, live events today are not the same as they were pre-pandemic dues to costs, labour shortages and supply chain issues. Many attendees may prefer a virtual option due to health concerns, limited travel budgets and time commitments which will overall affect the success of your event through low participation. It is important to balance the focus of the event and the main issues we face in a post-pandemic world so that you can choose the best platform for your guests.

Vancouver Corporate Gala

Rumour: Producing events cost the same amount post-pandemic vs. pre-pandemic


With labour shortage and supply chain issues, as well as many events that were delayed or rescheduled you can certainly expect an increase in budgets and a higher demand for contingencies. Be realistic with your estimates so that you don’t end up getting frustrated at the end and have to make major adjustments to balance your budget at the end. 

First Nation dancers

Rumour: Companies are giving diversity, equality and inclusion and sustainability priority when planning events


There will be a greater effort to have more diversity and make events more sustainable because people now want to see an active representation of the people around them. This can often add an extra layer of complexity to the planning process because you must consider how each element of the event portrays these concepts.

Virtual Company Call with Event Industry expert

Rumour: You only need one plan for your event now


Having a flexible and responsive strategy is going to be crucial for events now as the pandemic has told us just how unpredictable things can be. One key takeaway from the pandemic is the tools that it provided us to be flexible with event planning and the different types of events that we now have experience with. A backup virtual plan is something that can be easily set up and set in the background unless absolutely needed due to unforeseen circumstances beyond your control. 

While it seems as though the rest of the world has returned to normal the pandemic is still having a lasting impact on the events industry. Event professionals have learned adapting strategies to continue bringing people together despite the challenges faced. New challenges have presented themselves in the form of labour shortages and supply chain issues. Event professionals must continue to navigate this post-pandemic world as it is their new normal. We do this by being flexible and using the tools and strategies that we learned during the pandemic.

How An Event Industry Expert Can Help You

Bright Ideas is an industry leader in these concepts and strategies learned through the pandemic and we continue to be a leader in understanding the challenges that the events industry continues to face. Our expertise is using collaborative and community approaches to planning in this post-pandemic world so that we can exceed your expectations. Visit our contact page and submit your information for a free consultation about how we can assist you. 

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How To Plan Events In A Post-Pandemic Event Industry
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