Located in Vancouver, BC & Serving Western Canada 604-303-7707
Lighting Sets the Mood

Lighting Sets the Mood

Lighting plays a significant role in any successful event. It might not seem as relevant as setting the theme or providing fantastic catering, but it is critical at conveying just the right ambience. But how exactly does lighting set the mood, and what can you...
Host a Summer Corporate Event

Host a Summer Corporate Event

Corporate events can be challenging to get right. For attendees, being around their coworkers outside of work might not be an ideal way to pass the time. A lot of companies tend to minimize organizing and hosting events for that reason. However, there’s more to...
Plan Your Xmas Party Early

Plan Your Xmas Party Early

Summer is not even here yet, but that doesn’t mean event planning for the winter shouldn’t be in full swing. Even though everyone’s first instinct is probably to put off planning their Xmas party until October, we have a different suggestion…Start early! When it comes...
Event Trends for 2020

Event Trends for 2020

Event planning might be one of the few industries where staying on track with current trends is extremely important. However, it is also an industry where looking ahead into what is coming can make the difference between a successful business and a failed enterprise....
Cannabis and the Event World

Cannabis and the Event World

October 17th marked the day that Canada fully legalized the use of recreational cannabis. Cannabis was previously available only for medicinal purposes, but now Canada will be the second country in the world, after Uruguay that allows adults to purchase and consume it...
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