Sharon Bonner Consulting Located in Vancouver, BC & Serving Western Canada 604-303-7707

3D Mapping – An Event Trend

Imagine your favourite event planner suggests using projections to decorate your next event. Doesn’t sound very innovative to you? Well, think again… in 3D! ‘3D mapping’ is a new event trend that is amazing audiences around the world. 3D mapping is a special...
Invite the LIGHT!

Invite the LIGHT!

When you are planning an event, there are many things to be considered: You have to find the perfect venue, choose your theme, order the right food and create the customized gorgeous décor. But, there is another component that must not be underestimated: LIGHTING!...
Embracing the Exotic

Embracing the Exotic

A traditional summer theme such as a Western BBQ is a safe choice. But if you are inviting locals from around BC and Canada, chances are it won’t have the impact you’re looking for. When you’re trying to impress a sophisticated clientele, or break away from the...

Top Summer Event Trends

When creating a successful corporate event, three elements are crucial — the menu, decor, and entertainment. That’s why we’re always interested in the latest trends for these three elements. We believe the ideas highlighted in this blog post will be...

Adventures in India

Movies are a great inspiration for theme parties. But are you looking for something fresh? How about less Hollywood, more Bollywood? India’s rich culture is a great starting place for a beautiful themed event. It is a colorful country, from its food to its dress,...
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