Sharon Bonner Consulting Located in Vancouver, BC & Serving Western Canada 604-303-7707

Global Events Community

Welcome to the GEC!

Are you looking for an online space where you can learn, be inspired and find resources to help guide you through these challenging times? With the GEC, arm yourself with relevant information and find out about new skills and strategies that will help you maintain and re-build your business – all in one place!

Our Mission Statement 

The Global Events Community (GEC) was formed to provide support and inspiration during the COVID-19 global pandemic. Our Mission is to offer resources and information for the challenges we face as an industry. We welcome your contributions to this community as we collaborate and engage, to emerge stronger. 

In these troubled times while the future is unknown, we wanted to bring event professionals from all over the world together and thus the Global Events Community was born. The daunting task of looking at dozens of event websites daily to gather current news in our industry was overwhelming. Together now in one solid platform, we can share, bond, gather tips and strategies, and rebuild our businesses to come back stronger in the future. 

Let’s explore a bit more. 

WHO: Any event professional connected to the event community in any way (as well as non-event people) will benefit from this community. People who work in events and love events will see value in this platform. 

WHAT: A collaborative community where event professionals share, uplift and strategize together. A forum for networking and exchange, with one common goal: to help each other.  

WHERE: We are a digital community forum currently at Bright Ideas Events. You can also connect with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @brightideasevents. We are working on our new site The Global Events Community – coming soon!

WHEN: NOW! and ALWAYS!  The more we share within our community, the better each of us will feel. 

WHY: Never in modern history have we seen such a complete shutdown of life as we know it. All events have been cancelled. Our livelihoods were stripped from us without warning. Most of us lost an entire year of business, or more! We need to come together to be stronger together. 

HOW: By gathering links, tips, stories, and strategies from all of you, and sharing them to the Global Event Community. 

Your Community needs you. It will not work without the participation of passionate event folks who are all in the same situation as you. Reach out. Connect. Share. Plan. Strategize. Prepare to come out of this stronger than you ever were! Email you contributions to The GEC or call 1.604.303.7707.  

We are waiting to meet you. 

Sharon Bonner

CEO & Founder

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Sharon Bonner Consulting
Bright Ideas Event Agency