Located in Vancouver, BC & Serving Western Canada 604-303-7707

Bright Ideas Blog

Catch up with all of our latest thoughts, projects, announcement and other shareable moments!

Event Consulting Series | Corporate Event Gifts & Giveaway

Event Consulting Series | Corporate Event Gifts & Giveaway

I LOVE SWAG! There, I have said it. I have received tons of practical corporate event gifts during the past 34 years that I have been in business. One of my favourite parts of walking up to the registration desk at a conference is anticipating what gifts they might be...

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Unique Catering Ideas Beyond The Basic Buffet

Unique Catering Ideas Beyond The Basic Buffet

When looking for fun and unique catering ideas for your small to medium-sized event, customization of the menu offerings can often be a key component of success. Guests love having the opportunity to think about toppings and make their creations. The creative aspect...

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An Eco-Friendly Decor Idea For Your Earth Day Event

An Eco-Friendly Decor Idea For Your Earth Day Event

Are you planning an Earth Day event and are looking for green event examples or eco-friendly decor ideas? You will definitely want to check out this unique edible garden theme that the Bright Ideas team designed for a local industry event in Vancouver. ...

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10 Award Winning Event Themes

10 Award Winning Event Themes

After thirty four years in the event business, we are happy to showcase our Top 10 Award Winning Themes.

We hope that our creative events inspire you to think outside the box and dream big.

We did just that!

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Event Consulting Series | Choosing Your Event Theme

Event Consulting Series | Choosing Your Event Theme

Including a theme in your event is not as easy as it sounds. In the early days when I started my career in the 1990’s, including an event theme meant renting palm trees, beach backdrops and fake pineapples. Back in those days, we were more like set designers. Today,...

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