Sharon Bonner Consulting Located in Vancouver, BC & Serving Western Canada 604-303-7707

Bright Ideas Blog

Catch up with all of our latest thoughts, projects, announcement and other shareable moments!

Fall Themed Corporate Events

Fall Themed Corporate Events

As the weather gets cooler and leaves start to change their colors, everyone gets excited to start hosting fall celebrations. Autumn is the most visual of all seasons which makes it perfect for themed parties and events.

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Big Top Celebration

Big Top Celebration

Big Top Celebration. Some parties you have to go to, and if you don’t – you have to let yourself enjoy the documented visuals that testify of the grandiose feel you’d missed. If you didn’t attend the International Live Events Society annual event, you missed a first-prize dazzling spectacle, awarding Bright Ideas Ltd honors for the best creativity and dazzling décor design in Big Top Celebration.

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Return on Investment in Events

Return on Investment in Events

ROI. Every business is talking about it. People have a general distrust of experts, and that’s the main reason why we often decide to do everything ourselves. We believe we know better, which often leads to significant losses in both money and time.

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Canada Day Celebration

Canada Day Celebration

It’s almost Summer and the next thing right around the corner is Canada Day! Kids are getting excited for the fireworks and parents are looking for a safe and fun place to take them. Bright Ideas is going to light your sparklers of excitement and enthusiasm as we help you plan your very own event for these fun-thirsty families and take you through what could be your next corporate Canada Day.

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Mumbai Delight!

Mumbai Delight!

Embrace the Exotic - Mumbai Delight! Working hard to relax might seem like a linguistic paradox, but if you’ve ever attended a sizzling corporate event like Mumbai Delight, it makes perfect sense. People who work in an office...

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Increase Your Bottom Line

Increase Your Bottom Line

Companies that hold remarkable Client Appreciation events have better client satisfaction, and they are better at retaining their client base. A carefully planned Client Appreciation event will bring you more referrals, better deals, more testimonials, and even more sales to new clients. For a client appreciation event to be successful, it needs to cover three key factors:

Many opportunities to make stronger connections with clients
Great food
Lots of fun

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Cirque Grand Opening

Cirque Grand Opening

Hosting a fabulous Grand Opening takes a lot of care with creativity and organization. If you hope to build relationships with the community, you should know that your Grand Opening is where first impressions are created, and those...

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Be A Good Boss!

Be A Good Boss!

Entrepreneurs often neglect to offer proper appreciation to their employees. Paying your staff to do their job might be the core sign of respect, but it doesn’t eliminate the need for recognition, praise, and thanks. Be a good Boss! A study conducted by Journal of Business and Economics shows numerous ways in which staff appreciation benefits your company.

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Rock N Roll BBQ

Rock N Roll BBQ

I’ll bet you didn’t know that, even in the Event Producing world, we’re very competitive. Every year, several industry organizations host competitions into which Event Planners can enter a recently completed events as we did with Rock N Roll BBQ on the Beach.

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Event Coordination is tough!

Event Coordination is tough!

Event Coordination might appear as a piece of cake and you may think just any Event Coordinator would do a good job, but that’s already two things you’re wrong about. Event Coordination is a stressful task and only true professionals recognized for their success are the ones who can do it properly. Call Bright Ideas for an award winning event!

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Why Host A Client Appreciation?

Why Host A Client Appreciation?

What does an age-old expression have to do with your party budget?  Every company has customers, and this week, Bright Ideas is going to share with you why the Perfect Client Appreciation Event is the proverbial stone that kills two birds when it comes to spending...

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